It is February the 13th and Natasha is only speaking good things about her man. "You are my hero. I'm blessed to be yours. You know how to take good care of me. You are my king and I respect you so much", she posts on her status for him to see.
Contrary to popular belief, February the 13th is the only day "Men are not Trash". On this day we are valued and important to society, especially to women. Baby daddy becomes the love of her life, the guy who was ignored the whole year gets unblocked on IG. Today is the day a man gets a pass to do the wildest things and be loved conditionally "provided" that he makes up for it by doing something special tomorrow. "❤️Love oh Love❤️"
Expectations are high in hearts of our woman, and why shouldn't they be excited and look forward to what happens tomorrow. If you are a man reading this, make sure you treat your lady special tomorrow. No excuses brotherman, no excuses. If you are planning on buying her a teddy bear in a mug, you need to become serious with your life. You can do much better. If you don't know what to get her, no stress, I got your back. Here is a list of 10 ideas to make her feel special tomorrow. Ways to spoil her!
Ladies, the valley of expectations is what you are going through right now. You are wondering, what is he planning for tomorrow, will he buy me a bouquet of roses, will he take me out to a fancy restaurant and surprise me with diamond necklace? Will he even get me anything? Well that depends, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Tomorrow, it will be more like reaping what you have sown up until today. If you have been a good and faithful woman to him, then, let your expectations shoot to the moon. If not, well, go buy yourself ice cream and watch the Titanic.
Love beyond Valentine's Day
Tomorrow will be a special day and I can promise you that, but I am more concerned about the other 364 days that will follow. How will you keep the flames burning? Are you even thinking about that? What are your dreams, plans and books you are reading to make your relationship strong. Every relationship is worth investing in, therefore invest in your relationship.
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Teddy bear in a mug what a great idea😅
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