Sunday, February 5, 2023

Learn to say No!


A few years ago, I watched a movie by Jim Carry "Yes Man" it was indeed hilarious. He had made a vow to say yes to everything. After some turn of events, his life began to open up for great opportunities which ended with him finding love. Although this was just a movie it shows how our culture today has made it a norm to say yes to everything. 

A few months back I asked a friend to venture into business with me. I explained to him the perfect business model I have developed and after pitching it to him, he said "Great Idea but, No!". I felt bad that he rejected the opportunity to get into business with me, but after some time I began to appreciate and have great respect for him.

You see, had he said "Yes" out of support or out of the fear of hurting my feelings, he would have been drawn into committing his time, money and energy to something he was not passionate about. Saying yes to every invitation, opportunity, party, outing, business, and relationship diverts you away from focusing on your life plans.

"A person who is everywhere is nowhere" Seneca. When you hear the name, Tiger Woods, you think of golf, Trevor Noah, you think of comedy, Christine Mboma, you think of athletics. The reason all these people are successful at what they do is that they had to say no to many other opportunities and desires in order to focus their full energy on developing their skills.

It is time to get back to the drawing board and release yourself from commitments you have made that are not leading you in the direction you want your life to go. It will be difficult and you might disappoint a few people but you need to free yourself and get back control of your time, money, and energy.

When it comes to saying No! The one thing that will help you is writing down what your values are and only committing to things where you will give a 💯. If an invite, opportunity, or relationship does not fall in line with your values, then you know it is time to say No!

Trust me, you will thank me later.

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* Read other blog posts on my website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worth reading indeed

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